Monday, October 31, 2005

day four

I'm disoriented when I wake up. And there's at least one break down a day. I don't really feel like I belong here. I feel like I slipped in. I acclimate like my cat, wandering from room to room, covering my territory, making ever larger circles -- the living room the bedroom the yard the Giant and back to home base. Next to a yoga class, and back. Then to town, down the streets and marking landmarks and then back.

There are too many boxes still. And DF is at times overly deferential, clearing off a shelf or emptying a closet. It's a minefield. Neither of us know which sacrifices become resentment.

The house is full of windows and from the living room I can watch a single breeze shake trees on three sides of me. You realize your being kept safe. You begin to forget that you're in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country. You begin to relax.


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